741 generated code

Wordpress Code Generator

This tool simplifies WordPress development by automatically generating WordPress code for custom post types, taxonomies, term meta, metaboxes, and admin tables in one project. You can also add snippets from the library!

Save time and streamline your workflow with this powerful, user-friendly solution designed to enhance your WordPress projects effortlessly.

if ( ! class_exists( 'Obelix_Custom_Post_Project' ) ) {
    class Obelix_Custom_Post_Project {
new Obelix_Custom_Post_Project;
It is easy to define a your class.
Translation file Text Domain. Optional.

Add Your First Post Type

Expand the functionality of WordPress beyond standard posts and pages with custom post types.

Add Your First Taxonomy

Create custom taxonomies to classify post type content

Add Your First Meta Box

Create custom meta box, uses custom fields to your projects

Add Your First Term Meta

Add custom term meta, uses custom fields to your term

Auto generator base on meta field

Please add at least one meta field (You can now uses repeater/ repeater group/ wysiwyg/ gallery/ oembed/ iframe/ html in table!)


Allow SVG Files Upload

Add support for SVG files to be uploaded in WordPress media.


Disable Automatic Updates

Use this snippet to completely disable automatic updates on your website.

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Disable Gutenberg Editor (use Classic Editor)

Switch back to the Classic Editor by disablling the Block Editor.

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Disable Widget Blocks (use Classic Widgets)

Use the classic interface instead of Blocks to manage Widgets.

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Remove WordPress Version Number

Hide the WordPress version number from your site's frontend and feeds.

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Disable XML-RPC

On sites running WordPress 3.5+, disable XML-RPC completely.

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Disable Attachment Pages

Hide the Attachment/Attachments pages on the frontend from all visitors.

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Disable The WP Admin Bar

Hide the WordPress Admin Bar for all users in the frontend.

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Disable WordPress REST API

Easily disable the WP REST API on your website with this snippet.

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Disable RSS Feeds

Turn off the WordPress RSS Feeds for your website with 1 click.

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Completely Disable Comments

Disable comments for all post types, in the admin and the frontend.

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